
Are Dental Implants Painful? 

Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace a missing tooth or several teeth and can be used as an alternative to removable dentures and bridges. However, dental implants do require surgery which can make some patients uneasy, especially when it comes to not knowing if the procedure is painful. Rest assured that your dentist… Read more »

How to Choose The Best Dentist in Warsaw for Your Family

We always recommend that patients visit their dentist at least twice a year for checkups, dental cleanings, and routine dental x-rays. These appointments help keep a close eye on your oral health and protect teeth against disease. But we do understand that coming to the dentist can sometimes cause anxiety, which may cause patients to… Read more »

Importance of Regular Dental Visits

What To Do If You Break A Tooth On The Weekend

Scheduling and keeping dental appointments every six months may seem like a burden, but these preventive checkups with your dentist in Warsaw are crucial to maintaining good oral health. Like most things in life, your oral health needs to be checked on regularly in order to identify potential problems before they have a chance to… Read more »

What Does a Cavity Feel Like? 

Cavities are incredibly common. In fact, nearly every American will have at least one cavity in their lifetime. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, can happen for any number of reasons including poor dental hygiene, frequent snacking, and having a diet full of food or drinks that are packed with sugar. If cavities aren’t treated… Read more »

What Causes Ulcers in The Mouth?

If you’re one of the estimated 20% of people who happen to develop mouth ulcers, you know just how uncomfortable and painful they can be. The good news is that ulcers in the mouth tend to go away on their own within about two weeks, are usually harmless, and don’t necessarily need treatment from your… Read more »

What Does The Early Stage of Gum Disease Look Like? 

When your dentist in Warsaw talks about gum disease, we’re not just talking about its risks to oral health. The truth is, gum disease has also been linked to several whole-body concerns, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, and certain types of cancer. However, there is good news. Gum disease can be treated and reversed if… Read more »